
2010-03-05 16:19:25
Dagens låt

Den här låten får mig att bli på oftast glatt humör. Eller den ger mig en speciell känsla. En känsla av vår. Av att man går utomhus genom alleér och går på trottoarer i Göteborg.
Nu pratar jag om själva musiken. Skulle jag lyssna på texten ordentligt och tänka efter varje gång jag hör den så skulle jag skriva något helt annat. Men det känner jag inte för idag.

Johnossi - Man must dance


We're the people, the lucky
with the fragile bones
the ones who sit and worry
about getting old
We're the people, the happy
with broken hearts
the ones who draw a picture
and proclaim that it's art

But you, and you, and you, and you
you're just an animal developed into
You and you and you and you
a monkey needs to dance so do you


You like to do it as a child on your own
you're in the jungle and the monkeys
take your mind from your home
How many times do the tell you
that it's perfectly fine for you to dance around
naked when you're all by yourself

But you, and you, and you, and you
you're just an animdal developed into
You, and you, and you, and you
a monkey needs to dance so do you

a monkey needs to dance so do you


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